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 Exactly why is Computer Repair, Calgary, and Nextgen a good match? Let's start with Nextgen.   Many people characterized on this spectrum have a wide selection of behaviors that set them aside from neurotypical peers.  Some identify autism by their special needs. Many on the spectrum would focus on their special abilities instead.  Actually, focusing on their special abilities is precisely just what a tech support company in Calgary is doing.  They're celebrating these differences and strengths by exclusively employing IT consultants with Nextgen.  From programming to computer repair, Calgary may now be a computer repair Calgary professionals.

Nextgen is situated in Calgary, Alberta.   ;. the support and structure that they've been missing within their life and to greatly help take that next step in their career.  As the company expands, they're committed to this path by hiring into cyber security, business intelligence and other information technology roles. 

So why is Nextgen such a good fit for these roles?  High functioning autistic people tend to display strengths and abilities that are key in the information technology world:

Calgary computer repair Quick memorization of information, even very detailed information.

Logical thinking/ pattern recognition.

Thinking and learning visually.

Excelling in areas such as science, math, engineering, technical/logical subject.

Having a strong memory.

Being accurate and precise for long periods of time.

Exceptional honesty and adherence to rules.

Very Punctual.

Alternate problem solving (thinking outside the box).

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